What is Roger Altman Net Worth 2023: All You Need To Know

What is Roger Altman Net Worth 2023 All You Need To Know
  • Cove Markets

In the realm of financial moguls and influential figures, Roger Altman stands tall as a renowned American investment banker and philanthropist. Altman has had a huge impact on the financial landscape senior chairman of Evercore, a worldwide investment banking advising business. 

This article explores Roger Altman net worth and salary in 2023.

What is Roger Altman’s Net Worth and Salary 2023

What is Roger Altman's Net Worth and Salary 2023

Roger Altman is a $400 million net worth American investment banker. From January 1993 until August 1994, he was the United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under President Bill Clinton.

Altman is a Democrat who attended Georgetown and the University of Chicago. He founded Evercore and also serves as its senior chairman.

Roger Altman Overview

Roger Altman Overview

Early life

Roger Altman ( April 2, 1946) was in Brookline, Massachusetts. Altman put a lot of time and effort into school and was keenly interested in money when he was younger.

While at Georgetown University, where he did well in economics and foreign affairs, he became interested in the topic. He finally went into investment banking because of this interest, which set him up for future success.


Roger Altman is an American business banker and former Democratic politician with a lot of experience. In 1974, when he was only 28, he became Lehman’s youngest general partner.

In 1977 Altman left Lehman Brothers  to become Assistant Secretary for Domestic Finance in the U.S. Treasury under President Jimmy Carter. It was a mark for his career turned toward public service until 1981.

He was very important in getting the Federal Government to give Chrysler Corporation $1.5 billion to help it out.

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Altman returned to Lehman Brothers after his time at the United State Treasury. He finally became co-head of investment banking and served on the company’s board and management committee.

He joined The Blackstone Group in 1987 as vice chairman, head of the consulting division, and investment committee member. He was mainly in charge of Blackstone’s foreign business.

Altman went back to work for the government in January 1993. He was the Deputy Secretary of the United State Treasury for 2 years during the Clinton administration. But he left his job in August 1994 because of the Whitewater scandal.

Altman founded Evercore in 1995, despite the challenges he faced. His vision was to provide clients with better financial advice. He wanted to do this without the constraints of multi-product financial institutions.

Evercore has grown to become the most busy independent investment bank in the world. It is known as the top advisor for shareholder action and raid defense.

The company has over 80 partners and 1,400 workers. It has been involved in deals related to mergers, purchases, restoration, and restructuring. The value of these deals is more than $2 trillion in total.

Altman has been involved in politics his whole life. He advised presidential hopefuls like John Kerry in 2004 and Hillary Clinton in 2008.

In 2010, President Barack Obama replaced him for Larry Summers as head of the National Economic Council.

Altman has done well in his career but is also very involved in public service and giving money to good causes. He is a Trustee of New York-Presbyterian Hospital and MIT. He is also the Chairman of New Visions for Public Schools, and a Council on Foreign Relations member.

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Roger Altman has had a long and successful career covering over 50 years. His determination, curiosity, and business sense have made him a well-known financial and political figure.

Personal life

His first marriage to Barbara ended in divorce. Then he remarried in 1981, at the age of 35, to writer Jurate Kazickas. The couple have three kids. He fell while jogging in Central Park in 1992 owing to an abnormal pulse.

Why is Roger Altman famous?

Why is Roger Altman famous

Roger Altman is famous for his impressive work in the financial world and for the United State Treasury Department.

During his time as Assistant Secretary for Domestic Finance, he was known for his work on the United State banking system. Altman is a well-known person in investment banking because of his knowledge and advice.

FAQs about Roger Altman

FAQs about Roger Altman

How many people work for Evercore?

Evercore has 1,950 workers

What is Evercore known for?

Many people think that Evercore is the best company in the world to help with shareholder action and raid protection. Our team has helped more than 400 businesses deal with hostile activity. This includes companies that were involved in some of the biggest and most publicized activist campaigns and hostile defense tasks in recent years.

How hard is it to get into Evercore?

Evercore is hard to work for. Evercore has several jobs that can be done anywhere in the United States. Even though the hiring process is normal, the pay ranges for most jobs are in the top tier. It makes the group of people to hire very competitive.

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Is Evercore a good company?

In 2022, Evercore was the first independent firm and ranked seventh among all North American investment banks that did consulting work. Evercore also had a 21% share of the market as a whole. Evercore is one of the few independent experts that always helps with large-cap deals.


Roger Altman is an exemplary figure in the world of investment banking and politics. His impressive accomplishments, both professionally and politically, make him a role model for aspiring bankers and politicians alike. Thank you for reading this article from Covemarkets.