What is Vitalik Buterin Net Worth 2023: Wiki, Age, Weight, Height, Bitcoin and More

What is Vitalik Buterin Net Worth 2023 Wiki, Age, Weight, Height, Bitcoin and More

Vitalik Buterin is one of the names in the world of cryptocurrency that has gotten the most attention and praise. He was one of the people who started Ethereum, and his work in the blockchain business has been nothing short of revolutionary. Beyond his accomplishments in technology, there is curiosity surrounding his financial success.

In this article, we will delve into Vitalik Buterin net worth, also exploring his early life, career, personal endeavors, and more.

What is Vitalik Buterin’s Net Worth and Salary 2023

What is Vitalik Buterin's Net Worth and Salary 2023

As of 2023, Vitalik Buterin, a Russian-Canadian hacker who helped start Ethereum, is thought to have a net worth of about $600 million. This amount includes about $555 million from the Ethereum he has in his public coin wallets, which hold about 286,000 ETH and are worth about $555 million.

The final $45 million is thought to be in assets that are not on the blockchain. But it’s important to remember that these prices can change because the bitcoin market is always changing.

Why is Vitalik Buterin famous?

Why is Vitalik Buterin famous

Vitalik Buterin is well-known for being a co-founder of Ethereum, which is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market value. He is also known for his work on Bitcoin and other coins and for promoting the use of blockchain technology for social good.

Buterin is a very smart and forward-thinking person. He is also good at talking to people, which has helped him tell more people about Ethereum and blockchain technology.

Vitalik Buterin Overview

Full Name:Vitaly Dmitrievich Buterin
Popular Name:Vitalik Buterin
Birth Date:1994
Age:29 years old (as of July 17, 2023)
Parents:Dmitry Buterin (Father), Natalia Ameline (Mother)
Siblings:Misha Buterin and Katya Buterin (Step-sisters)
Birth Place:Kolomna, Russia
Education:Attended University of Waterloo, dropped out to focus on Ethereum
Marital Status:Single
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Net Worth:$600 million
Source of Wealth:Co-founder of Ethereum, Cryptocurrency investments
Height:1.86 m (6 feet 1 inch)
Weight:75 kg (165.3 lbs)
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Early life

Buterin was born in Russia in 1994 in Kolomna. His father, Dmitry, worked in computers. He lived in the area until he was six years old, when his parents moved to Canada to find better jobs. Buterin was in the third grade of elementary school in Canada when he was put in a class for smart kids. He was interested in math, computer, and economics.

Buterin then went to a private high school in Toronto called The Abelard School. Buterin was 17 when he learned about Bitcoin from his father, Dimitry Buterin.

Buterin went to the University of Waterloo after high school. There, he took advanced studies and worked as a study assistant for cryptographer Ian Goldberg, who co-created Off-the-Record Messaging and was the former board of directors chairman of the Tor Project. At the International Olympiad in Informatics in Italy in 2012, Buterin won a bronze prize.

In 2014, he dropped out of college after getting a $100,000 grant from the Thiel Fellowship, a scholarship set up by startup investor Peter Thiel. He then worked full-time on Ethereum.


Vitalik Buterin Overview

Bitcoin Magazine

Vitalik Buterin is a well-known person in the world of cryptocurrencies. He has had a very interesting career that began with his work on writings about Bitcoin.

Buterin began writing for Bitcoin Weekly in 2011, and his pieces earned him bitcoin. Even though the magazine finally shut down because of money problems, it helped Buterin get started in the crypto space.

Buterin played a key part as one of the first co-founders and main writers for Bitcoin Magazine, which became one of the first major publications about cryptocurrencies. This happened in September 2011.

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The paper version of Bitcoin Magazine, which came out in 2012, made it even more well-known as a source of information in the crypto world. During his time at Bitcoin Magazine, Buterin demonstrated his passion for the industry and his exceptional writing skills.


But it was Buterin’s original idea for Ethereum that really brought him to the public’s attention.

In November 2013, he put out the Ethereum white paper, which described a decentralized network for mining and a base for making software.

Buterin’s goal with Ethereum was to make up for Bitcoin’s flaws by giving developers a more general coding language for making apps. His idea for Ethereum caught on, and interest in the project grew quickly at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014.

At the North American Bitcoin Conference in January 2014, Buterin introduced Ethereum to a larger audience by giving an interesting speech about how it could be used.

He said that Ethereum is a global computer that can be used for anything and works on a decentralized and permissionless network.

He gave examples of how it can be used in different fields, such as crop insurance, decentralized markets, and DAOs, to show how flexible it is. This talk was a big step in Buterin’s career and cemented his position as one of the most important people in the blockchain business.

Open-source software

Buterin has also made important additions to the open-source software community, which is not just Ethereum. As a developer, he has worked on projects like DarkWallet by Cody Wilson, Bitcoin Python tools, and the site Egora, which is a marketplace for bitcoin.

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His detailed knowledge and dedication to making the field better have won him the respect and admiration of his peers.

Ethereum Russia

Ethereum Russia

Buterin’s impact goes further than just technology and growth. He saw that Ethereum was important for Russia’s economy and politics, which led to a meeting with President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2017.

Putin said that he was in favor of forming ties with possible Russian partners in the Ethereum business. This shows how important Buterin’s work is on a world scale.

Buterin’s success has also been shaped by how well he works with others. When he met economist Glen Weyl, they worked well together because they were both interested in cryptocurrencies and using the market to solve social problems.

Together with Zoe Hitzig, they wrote a study about a flexible way to pay for public goods, using quadratic voting as an example. Since then, this new way of doing things has helped open-source software projects get more than $20 million, which shows how their work together has helped in the real world.

Vitalik Buterin’s career has been marked by his innovative ideas, groundbreaking work, and commitment to moving the blockchain industry forward.

His work on Bitcoin Magazine, the creation of Ethereum, and his participation in open-source projects have made him a respected and important person in the cryptocurrency world.

As he keeps pushing the limits of technology and looking for new ways to use it, Buterin will surely have a big effect on the future of decentralized systems and inspire people for years to come.

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Personal life

Despite his immense success, Buterin maintains a relatively private personal life. He is known for his introverted nature and penchant for deep intellectual discussions.

FAQs about Vitalik Buterin

FAQs about Vitalik Buterin

Does Vitalik Buterin have a social account?

Yes, Vitalik Buterin is active on social media platforms. He has a verified Twitter account with the handle @VitalikButerin. This place is where he shares updates and insights and engages with the cryptocurrency community.

What is Vitalik Buterin IQ?

The founder of Ethereum has an unusually high IQ of 257.

What IQ is Elon Musk?

Elon Musk’s IQ is reported to be 155.

Who owns the most Bitcoin?

The largest holder of Bitcoin is believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous founder of Bitcoin.

Is Vitalik Buterin’s net worth subject to fluctuations?

Yes, Vitalik Buterin’s net worth can change because it depends mostly on how well and how much Ether (ETH), Ethereum’s cryptocurrency, does on the market.

What is Vitalik Buterin’s approach to philanthropy?

Vitalik Buterin wants to change the world for the better by using effective charity. He has given a lot of money to different causes and wants to use his money and power to make changes that matter.


Vitalik Buterin has been very successful financially because of what he has done for the blockchain business. His net worth shows how important his work with Ethereum was, and he still has a lot of power in the bitcoin world. Thank you for reading.

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